Record high of 709.6 Moz. Output was driven higher by strong production increases in several Latin American countries as mining projects, many of which are primary silver producers, came to fruition, and by higher output in Asia, principally from China and Turkey.
Top 20 Silver Producing Countries in 2009
(millions of ounces)
1. Peru 123.9
2. Mexico 104.7
3. China 89.1
4. Australia 52.6
5. Bolivia 42.6
6. Russia 42.2
7. Chile 41.8
8. United States 39.8
9. Poland 39.2
10. Kazakhstan 21.7
11. Canada 19.6
12. Argentina 17.1
13. Turkey 14.0
14. Sweden 8.7
15. Morocco 8.3
16. Indonesia 7.7
17. India 7.3
18. Guatemala 4.2
19. Iran 3.5
20. South Africa 2.6
Top 20 Silver Producing Companies in 2009
(millions of ounces)
Company Country Output
1. BHP Billiton Australia 42.0
2. KGHM Polska Miedź Poland 38.7
3. Fresnillo plc¹ Mexico 37.9
4. Pan American Silver¹ Canada 23.0
5. Cia. Minera Volcan², ³ Peru 21.2
6. Hochschild Mining Peru 18.8
7. Coeur d'Alene Mines Corp.¹ USA 17.7
8. Sumitomo Corp.³ Bolivia 17.6
9. JSC Polymetal Russia 17.3
10. Kazakhmys plc Kazakhstan 16.9
11. Cia. de Minas Buenaventura Peru 16.0
12. Kinross Gold Corp.4 Canada 14.0
13. Southern Copper Corp. USA 13.2
14. Teck Resources Canada 13.0
15. Goldcorp Inc. Canada 12.8
16. Xstrata Zinc Switzerland 12.7
17. Industrias Peñoles Mexico 11.8
18. Eti Gümüş A.Ş.³ Turkey 11.2
19. Hecla Mining¹ USA 11.0
20. Yamana Gold Canada 10.5
¹ Primary silver producer.
² Includes production from minority subsidiaries.
³ Estimate
4 Reported Sales
World's Leading Primary Silver Mines in 2009
(millions of ounces)
Rank Mine/Country Operating Company Prod.
1. Fresnillo, Mexico Fresnillo plc 35.42
2. Cannington¹, Australia BHP Billiton 33.76
3. Dukat, Russia JSC Polymetal 11.80
4. Gümüsköy², Turkey Eti Gümüş A.Ş. 11.20
5. Uchucchacua, Peru Compañia de Minas Buenaventura SA 10.56
6. Arcata, Peru Hochschild Mining 9.54
7. Pallancata, Peru Hochschild Mining 8.42
8. San Bartolomé, Bolivia Coeur d'Alene Mines 7.47
9. Greens Creek, U.S. Hecla Mining Co 7.46
10. Imiter², Morocco Société Métallurgique d'Imiter 6.75
11. Alamo Dorado, Mexico Pan American Silver Corp 5.32
12. San José, Argentina Hochschild Mining 5.00
13. Ying³, China Silvercorp Metals 4.26
14. Martha, Argentina Coeur d'Alene Mines 3.71
15. Huaron, Peru Pan American Silver Corp 3.56
¹ Reported payable metal in concentrate; ² Estimate; ³ Reported Sales;
Material and statistics in this section were adapted in part from the Silver Institute's World Silver Survey 2010 publication.
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