Friday, July 15, 2011

The institution

‎'The institutions that developed from the Madinan Model in subsequent Islamic History were,
1. Khalifate
2. Wazirate
3. Amirate (governors)
4. Kuttab (secretaries)
5. Qadis (judiciary)
6. Imam (prayer leaders)
7. The Baytul Mal (the treasury)
8. Hisba (administration of the city by muhtasib)
9. Suq (market)
10. Mint (money producer*)
11. Awqaf (charitable endowments)
12. Asnaf (guilds)
13. Shurta (guards)
14. jaysh (army).'

"Economic Justice and Shari'a in the Islamic State" by Riyad Asvat, 2011